On to the actual news on our project...
We are modifying the schedule a bit to account for increased time in creating the puzzle. We are working to get back on track once we start the video phase of the project.
Some good news. First, we have the release forms ready. So, if you had said in the sign-up that you were interested in participating in the video, you'll be receiving a form shortly via email. Please remember to email your filled out forms by Monday, August 6. Please fill it out by hand, scan it, then email it to us. When you meet with us, bring the original hard copy with you so that you can give it to us. Any questions with that, please address it to us.
Also, we have the final image set up for the puzzle design.
Subarashii, ne? Our artist Kyoku-chan did a very good job! Didn't we say you'll be blown away? We were so we hope you are too!
The image is already in the process of being made into an actual puzzle. So just sit tight a bit, folks!
About the envelopes: We didn't receive any objections on the color, so we're sticking with yellow.
We weren't able to attend Otakon last weekend, but hopefully those who did had a great time meeting with fellow JE fans.
All right, that's it for now. Please still continue to support us. Hope you all have a good week ahead of you!