Sunday, January 13, 2008

Scheduled Update #22

Hey everyone!

Just some cupcakes we made this morning. Take note of the Arashi colors XD.


So have you all heard about Mr. Ohno's art exhibit this coming February? Very exciting news, right? There's even going to be an art book featuring all his works! So anyone who's making a trip to Japan in February, make sure to check it out. For those of us who can't make it, the book would probably be the next best thing. Let's support him! Who knows? He might make a trip to the States and hold an exhibit here. Of course, that's just wishful thinking by an Arashi fan but anything's possible. :D

We're currently working on the video. It's really nothing too amazing as we have limited software this time around, but we think it's coming along pretty well. Anyone still interested in making a video, it's not too late. We're planning to send the email and send the postcards on the same day, so hopefully when they watch the video the postcards are on their way. Cross your fingers that they actually look out for and receive them. In any case, the puzzle piece pictures have been included in the video so that even if they don't see it, they'll actually know what you wanted to tell them. Thus we've been pressing for the puzzle piece pictures. Thanks to all who have given their pictures already. For those who haven't please do so, that way we can incorporate it into the video.

As much as we would love to have everyone's puzzle piece picture in the video, we also need to move forward with the project. Necessity is pushing us to draw the line. If we do not have your puzzle pictures by Friday, January 18, we can't guarantee that your picture will be included in the video.

We're getting really antsy and probably so are you, but rest assured it's getting there.

Thanks for your ongoing support!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Scheduled Update #21



Joan's back from her little Asian excursion. She went to Japan for a couple of days and had a blast. Suffice to say, she brought back Arashi stuff which are are really nice. Thank you! :D

By the way, we're still missing a couple of puzzle piece pictures. Please, please, please let us know if you're still going to be part of our project or not. As much as possible, we're trying to integrate everyone's puzzle piece pictures into the video we're sending Arashi.

By the way, thank you to those who responded last week, it is much appreciated. ^^v

Again, hope everyone has a happy and healthy 2008! :D