That's all we can say.
We received the puzzle from the vendor 8/3/07. And it's just...amazing! It's mind boggling. Kyoku-chan, our artist, hontoni arigatou! Nyan-chan, our translator, hontoni arigatou! T_T So far, we're in very good shape. (For an image of how the puzzle looks like, it will be emailed)
So what's next? Well, we just want to remind everyone of the release forms. The due date is on August 6, Monday(that's tomorrow, yo!). If you want to participate in the video, please have your release forms filled out and emailed to us by then.
Also, we'd like to explore adding a new feature for the video phase of our project: filming yourselves. Instead of us going to you, you could simply film yourselves with your own cameras and send us a copy of the video. Please note, you'll still need to sign the release form even if you choose to film yourselves. If there are any takers for this idea, please do email us.
For those of you not participating in the video, please see our emails regarding your postcard puzzle kits for further instructions. We'll be emailing that information to everyone in our mailing list anyway, since it includes an image of the puzzle
We've also bought the envelopes already. v^^v
Here's a preview of how a puzzle piece would look like, back and front.
That's just an example and not my final message design, and I (Jean) will still be working on it later. Can you imagaine how amazing it'll look once they're all next to each other? That's when we got hit by another idea: Once you've finished designing the back of your puzzle piece, why don't you send us a picture of your final piece front and back? That way we can collage them and put them together in one big picture and post it up here in the blog so everyone will see each other's works. Wouldn't that look great? While there will be a few limitations, we encourage everyone to be creative in designing when you get your kit. We can't wait to see how everyone designs their messages! ^^
Well then, that's it. Have a great week ahead of you and we look forward to hearing from you guys soon!
YEY im so excited!! Well if for some reason you couldnt make it to my city...taking the video by myself would be ok.
hey there, simone!
thanks for letting us know. we'll update you all when we have more details.
really exciting, ne?? ^^
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