Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Scheduled Update #17

Minna, hello!

Did you all have a good Halloween?
In case you're wondering why you're receiving this scheduled update on Tuesday instead of Sunday, I (Joan) caught the flu last Tuesday and my sister's been really tied up. Gomen, ne, minna...

Without further ado, let's proceed to this week's update:

1. Filming with your puzzle piece - as promised in the last update, for those of you will be filming yourselves with your piece, here are some more details. Actually, since actions speak louder than words, we've put together a short demo clip. We'll be sending an email with the demo clip to you all, so please watch out for it!

2. Instructional video - sorry to disappoint...this is not a video that will show you how to imitate Arashi's cool dance moves. It's just another short clip that will show you how to put your piece in the card and close it back up. We're sure you all have figured it out by now, but we were in a video-taping mood so we thought we might as well - in case anyone would need it. Here's the link...

How to close your card back up (and hopefully not crease it too much) XDDDD

That's it for this week! We hope you all are having fun decorating your puzzle pieces and if you run into any challenges or have any questions, feel free to email.

Mata, ne!
Joan and Jean

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